A test of nested tables with floating elements. All tables have border=1. This page exhibits different behavior in Safari 1.1 and Safari 1.0. I believe the 1.0 behavior is correct. The 1.0 behavior is what I wanted to have happen.

The outer table has the property width="600"
The inner table has the property width="100%"
img img
Ones and Zeros
An irregularly updated journal of my Fair and Balanced thoughts, reactions, opinions, biases, outrages, strategies, victories, and commentary. Whatever it is, it's much too subtle to be considered a parody...

The table above should look like the table below.
The outer table has the property width="600"
The inner table has no width property
img img
Ones and Zeros
An irregularly updated journal of my Fair and Balanced thoughts, reactions, opinions, biases, outrages, strategies, victories, and commentary. Whatever it is, it's much too subtle to be considered a parody...

So the problem here seems to be that the width="100%" does not take into account the reduction in available width due to the floating elements, so the inner table writes over the floating graphic. Safari 1.1, IE 5.2.3, and Opera 6.0.3 all exhibit this behavior. Mozilla and Safari 1.0 do not.